Meet the Friends

It all begins with an idea. After years of listening to talk radio and podcasts. Two friends, and a semi-what-fired nephew, joined forces to create the best podcast you’ve never heard of. Along this quest, we have come across friends, old and new. Hope you guys have a blast listening to our content, because it’s always a hell of a time for us here making every episode, here in Ponderosa Studios.

  • Host

    A chill host with a hint of spamming the soundboard. Does the audio editing, looking for a good time, and likes mexican food

    Catchphrase: You Know How We Do

  • Co-Host/Sargent

    He’s naturally funny. Likes to make everyone laugh, while at the same time, makes sure everyone’s in line.

    Catchphrase: I Don’t Like It

    Rest in Peace Sarge…

  • Producer


    Catchphrase: Uh Um Uh Do Uh Mmmmmm

  • Best Guest

    He don’t like Kentucky.

    Catchphrase: TALLYHOOOOOOOO